04 Nov CT Real Estate License Law CT Real Estate License Law Monday, November 4, 2024 3 Education Credits Virtual Classroom NOW AVAILABLE!! Connecticut 2024-2026 Mandatory CE course Details You're Registered! DescriptionLocationInstructorsCancellation Policy Virtual Class via Zoom. Topics covered: CT Continuing Education cycle dates, requirements, and non-compliance penalties New laws as of 4/1/24 Dual Agency & Designated Agency Fair Housing Required Disclosures Earnest Money Deposits Licensee Compensation CT Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons are eligible to take this Mandatory for the Current CE Cycle. Salesperson: 3/1/24 - 2/28/26 Broker: 9/1/24 - 8/31/26 Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom Teresa Sirico Teresa M. SiricoABR-CRB-CRS-ePRO-GRI-SRESBoard President Emeritus1999 Educator of The YearHonored As REALTOR of The Year TERESA SIRICO REALTOR LLCEast Haven, CT 06512Licensed in CT: REB.0750986 48-hour notice required to cancel course and receive a refund or transfer to another. There is a $10 admin fee to transfer from one course to another. School policy suggests that you log in 15 minutes prior to the start time of class to ensure technical compliance. No one will be admitted after the start time. For Virtual Classes, even though classes are not taking place in person, you are still entering a classroom setting and should treat it as such. If for any reason you are unable to participate for the full 3 hours, you will not receive credit for the class.NO SHOWS will forfeit their payment/Free CE Certificate.